I just returned home earlier today from a week long mission trip in Nashville, TN through an organization called Center for Student Missions(CSM). This trip completely turned my world upside down....for the better of course. It's kind of funny how I ended up on this trip. I had heard that a church that goes to Lakeside was going to go about a couple of months ago and I thought about going but decided against going when I realized how much it would cost and that meant I'd have to take off another week of work this summer, and I'd already taken off 3 weeks this summer. While I was at the second week of senior high lakeside just a few weeks ago, God opened up the opportunity for me to go once again. After praying about it I knew that I was supposed to go! And just think, I wasn't even planning on going to Lakeside for week 2 but after praying about it literally for months, I knew that I was supposed to go.
In the few short weeks leading up to this mission trip after Lakeside I was not nervous at all and I knew that I was supposed to be there! Never once did I question whether or not I was supposed to be there or not. I am so thankful that God allowed me the opportunity to go and I'm even happier that I listened to the call of God, because a lot of times I ignore God when He's speaking.
I'd like to thank Jami and Matt and all the students from Lima Trinity for welcoming me into their youth group and for making feel like one of their own! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to meet some of you, and to be able to get to know some of you guys even better! We are truly family even if we don't all go to the same church/youth group. Always remember this awesome experience that we had this week! God brought us all to Nashville for a reason and none of us ended up there by accident! I truly love each one of you!!
Here are some funny quotes that happened during our trip!
What food do they serve at the Ethiopian restaurant? Air? Cause they don't have food!-Alex T.
Don't go to the bathroom in your pants!-Meredith
I was standing beside some guy in line and he was like 'do you think I'm gonna sell crack cocaine to you?'-Meredith
Me-(speaking to Ethan) I'm sorry that must have been a traumatic experience for you! Ethan-It was!! They could have seen my winky!!!
Everyones got a butt! It's like saying poopings not appropriate!-Ethan
Hun-Cal Fro-YO-Meredith
Are you bleeding out of your vagina because you're being really mean right now!-Jami speaking about her son
100 life sized dinosaurs oh my gosh I wanna see that!-Alex T.
Is it awkward if I wanna eat my hands?-Ethan
I like the number 8 because it's curvy and everything-Nicole
When I go to visit my grandpa I have to put on a cloth suit and gloves and a mask so when I was there I took a suit and I put it in my suitcase-Jamee
I gotta find the fresh bread. Are you making fun of me because I like to make good sandwiches?-Alex T.
Leave! Get out!-Meredith
You can tell a lot about a person when you find out their favorite cheese flavored snack-Meredith
Ethan-I thought you were skyping someone? I was but I couldn't see her face so I just hung up on her!-Jamee
Me-I would never date someone four years younger than me! Ethan- Yeah well I would never date someone who looks three years younger than me!
Me-Ethan would you just shut up! I'm trying to write down everything you say!
It's just Meredith!-Lauren
Lauren- How would you describe Meredith? Ethan-Heaven!
I'm wearing my birthday boots!-Ethan
That was a big a** burp-Darwin(5yrs old NICE participant)
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